anne9716May 3, 20202 min10 Things You Can Do Better While Social DistancingImprove the brevity and simplicity of your electronic communication. Connect with 5 new people and 7 existing colleagues or friends each...
anne9716Feb 23, 20202 minWhat Will You Accomplish This Year?Is there a dream you’ve put on hold and it’s time to revisit? Have you put a project on a backburner for a variety of reasons? How do you...
anne9716Jan 27, 20192 minTask Alert: Attack the hardest or easiest one first?You glance at your to-do list and it’s overwhelming. Your initial thought might well be to run through the easiest, yet time consuming...
anne9716May 7, 20182 minAre You Stuck in First Gear?My boyfriend, later to become my husband, drove a Volkswagen bug everywhere. He and “Betsy” had a long relationship and I was relatively...