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Networking Tips

I love to network, meet new people, make connections, learn about a topic/offering or learn how I might be of help to someone else. Yet all too often I hear people complain that they find it’s a waste of time and that may be true for them, especially when unprepared. Why do so many people attend high potential events only to remain glued to someone already known to them? Yes, it’s a way to quell anxiety, fulfill the obligation of being there and doing a bit of socializing is a bonus. This Velcro phenomenon is best left at the door along with bad jokes and interminable stories. It’s the “trifecta” of business development for all the wrong reasons. With limited time in a busy work day or evening, you want to maximize the impact of your attendance as being well spent.

The best networkers know how to: 1. Introduce themselves confidently 2. Make eye contact 3. Always wear nametags on the RIGHT side 4. Describe their business briefly 5. Describe their ideal client 6. Tell you how you can help them 7. Ask how they can help YOU!

We can always benefit from pre-planning by having business cards readily available, however the number of cards you collect is more important than the number you give out. Remember, with their contact information you are in control of the follow-up.


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