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Getting Centered in a “New York” Minute

Fast and furious we seek the quick fix. What if you were able to stretch time? What if you weren’t always trying to “beat the clock”? What if you could relieve stress and recover more quickly when you are feeling overwhelmed? Stop for a moment and visualize a time when living was effortless, when everything flowed. Some examples might be when you hugged your newborn child, received a degree, scored a winning goal or recalled a special vacation memory. At that moment, you were centered. As you visualize that centered moment, notice your state of being so that you can recreate it again and again whenever you choose.

Train to Center ~ Once you recognize center, you can begin to train in it. At first this requires trust. Don’t expect major breakthroughs to happen daily. Let go of attachment to measurable outcomes. Appreciate your moments of centeredness. Take in everything about your world at these times, and again, persist in your training. With time, centeredness will become a familiar place where you can rest and revitalize yourself.

There are many ways to train in centering. Here are some concrete examples of how to incorporate centering training into your life: • Recreate the image or feeling you experienced in the centering visualization from above periodically during the day. • Breathing is natural for everyone. Begin to use your breath as a means to center. • Breathe deeply and slowly from your abdomen whenever you are aware of tension in your body. • Choose two or three daily activities that you can use as reminders to center. For example, when the phone rings, center on the first ring and answer on the second. • Other centering checks might be turning your computer off or opening the door to your office. • Set aside 10-20 minutes daily for quiet reflection, introspection and meditation.

Unless you know where you want to go, you are unlikely to get there. Know your purpose in life and why you are involved in the activities that occupy your time. Be crystal clear on this and in times of stress, reflect on that purpose before you take action in a conflict. Simply and regularly ask, “What’s the highest level of me that can show up right now?”

Develop a network of people, programs and literature that brings you back to center. Our strength is in connection, not in isolation.

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