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Feb 3, 20192 min read
Contemplating a Career Change?
2. Work to understand your inner critic. Observe thoughts that trap you with fear and prevent you from achieving your objectives. Write...
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Dec 17, 20171 min read
Achieve Your 2018 Fitness Goals
1. Create a Routine: Teach your brain that it’s time to exercise by devising a cue, like putting your sneakers next to the door, or...
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Nov 26, 20172 min read
Change Your Mindset…Change Your Life!
“Life is a one-way street. No matter how many detours you take, none of them leads back. Once you know and accept that, life becomes much...
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Oct 30, 20161 min read
Managing E-mails
According to Jocelyn Glei, author of Unsubscribe, the rest of us generally fall into two categories; reactors or batchers. The former...
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Sep 25, 20162 min read
Is Your Career on Life Support?
Remember; do not turn a bad moment into a bad day, a bad week or more. You have the power to choose and there are always 3 options before...
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Feb 7, 20161 min read
10 Things You Can Do Better Today
1. Increase your response time to requests. 2. Improve the brevity and simplicity of your electronic correspondence. 3. Connect with 5...
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Nov 29, 20151 min read
“Winning” IS Fundamental
“Bear” Bryant said that members of a winning team needed 5 things: 1. Tell me what you expect from me 2. Give me an opportunity to...
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Jun 14, 20151 min read
Achieve Your Summer Fitness Goals
1. Create a Routine: Teach your brain that it’s time to exercise by devising a cue, like putting your sneakers next to the door, or...
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May 3, 20151 min read
10 Time Saving Workday Tips
2. Create a Plan Determine when and how you’ll accomplish each item on your daily list – will you need help, supplies, etc.? 3....
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Feb 22, 20152 min read
Career Change Tips
1. Look at the issues that make you crave change and outline your goals. What are you satisfied with about your current situation? What...
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Jan 5, 20141 min read
Kickstart the New Year!
Instead of a resolution, each year I commit to a New Year’s Kickstart! Here’s the idea: You start your year off with a big success by...
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