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Emotions are Contagious

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

So, while serenity may be an ultimate goal, it’s not always a state that we can achieve instantly. However, with practice and by tapping into some simple actions, we can call up mindful bliss to affect our frame of mind.

  1. Smile- it can lift your mood and increase the positive feedback you receive from others around you

  2. Sing- there’s some research that suggests a connection with how the inner ear reacts to music and that it may trigger a response in the hypothalamus and create a positive buzz. Also, singing about worries can turn into an absurd moment and neutralize the negative

  3. Sweat- exercise redirects energy and promotes the growth of new neurons in the brain that are less reactive to stress

  4. Soothe- think of a memory that brings to mind a pleasurable, safe, comforting experience and place your hand over your heart. The act of connecting the body to the brain in a physical manner again stimulates neural networks.

What, me worry? Well, in these particularly stressful times, monitoring our feelings is especially important as we strain to remain connected to family, friends and co-workers, often from a distance. Conversely, when the personal space is too close and boundaries are too tight, we traverse other challenges. Remember, emotions are like the weather, they come and go. How you handle information and process your reaction to it can have long term effects on your health, relationships and overall well-being. Remember that most of what we worry about never happens and for the day to day happenings, take control and practice using some of the techniques outlined above.

However comfortable you assumed you were with choice and change, new behaviors may morph into overwhelming anxiety that was never anticipated. This makes it the ideal time to engage the support of a career coach with experience in helping professionals achieve better, faster, results. At KICKSTART Your Transition we offer a broad range of services to fit your needs.


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